Coalition Meetings: 2nd Tuesdays 1200-1300

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Colorado Whole Blood Coalition Information Page


To establish and maintain a collaborative structure that will facilitate and allow for the implementation of safe, effective, and interconnected whole blood programs throughout the state of Colorado.


·        Develop a structure that provides every RETAC an opportunity to participate in the development of a prehospital whole blood program within the state of Colorado

·        Establish clear goals and objectives for an aligned vision among the many and varied organizations needed to realize a successful program

·        Establish clear lines of communication among the participating and interested organizations

·        Develop consistent protocols and processes that may be adopted by local implementation groups seeking to bring whole blood to their local agency or facility

·        Support the local implementation of a program to recruit donors for the whole blood program and generate an adequate supply of whole blood to meet the needs of patients who will benefit

·        Request and recommend use of funds though participating organizations, including participating RETACs, to support CWBC work as a whole

·        Develop coordinated efforts to provide quality assurance and data collection to guide and support whole blood program development

·        Support local implementation groups through sharing of knowledge, development of protocols and processes, and mentoring of new startups

·        Provide ongoing direction, vision, and support to locally implemented whole blood programs around the state as the system matures

The evidence is mounting.  

The American College of Surgeons agrees that whole blood is ideal for treating bleeding patients.  

On April 10, 2023 the American College of Surgeons (ACS) published a bulletin describing the comeback of whole blood.

Understand the “why”…then we will figure out the “how”.

The CWBC is a new coalition

The CWBC is just getting started!  The first step to establish a group of stakeholders who will lead the coalition has been completed.  This group will meet monthly and oversee the standing committees that are outlining operating procedures.  

Each RETAC will always have at least one voting seat in the CWBC if they choose to participate.  It is up to the RETAC how they will determine who will represent them at the CWBC.

Each Advisory Council position is designed to represent a key group of stakeholders in the development of a structure to support a state-wide whole blood program.  These positions are filled by nominations and voting.  

Together, the RETAC representatives and the Advisory Council members make up the voting body of the CWBC.  

There is a role for everyone.

Creating the overall structure to support implementation of a prehospital whole blood program in the state of Colorado requires input and collaboration from many different groups of people and organizations.  Whether it is a role on the advisory committee, contributing to a standing committee to develop protocols and offer guidance to local groups, or on a local implementation committee—there is a place for everyone who would like to participate.  

Contact Us

If you’d like to discuss more about how to join us in this effort, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

email us at

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