Committee Documents

The CWBC believes that transparency and inclusion are key values that will contribute to a successful coalition.  In alignment with this belief, the following plan will guide communications within the coalition and outside of the coalition. 

  • The CWBC meetings will be open to all interested parties.

  • The CWBC will maintain meeting agendas and minutes. 

  • The secretary will be responsible communication of meetings dates, times & locations, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes to all voting members as well as to any standing committee chairs, ad-hoc committee chairs, and specialty liaisons. Committee chairs will be responsible for distributing communications to their committees, and RETAC representatives will be responsible for distributing communications to their RETAC members.    

  • A publicly accessible platform will be used to post communications, announce meetings dates and times, and post contact information for people who would like to participate in the coalition or learn more about the work being done by the group.